Wednesday, June 15, 2016

SOLD! Butterflies & flowers 6-pen wrap

"Good morning!"
I love this fabric. It is bold, bright, and looks fantastic teamed with the rich orange lining - I still have my orange crush going on, and so I really enjoyed making this bright beauty! Orange is such a happy colour, I feel that no matter what drudgery the working day might have in store for you, it would be impossible to stay glum upon opening this wrap to that cheery lining. "Good morning!", it bellows to your retinas! "Wake the hell up!"

Both outer and lining fabrics are strong cotton canvas, so when teamed together make for a durable wrap for carefree use. All seams are triple-stitched for resilience. The wrap fits six large fountain pens. (Or other kinds of pens, if you're that kind of person. It's okay, I won't judge.)

Beyond that orange lining, my favourite aspect of this wrap is that I managed to get the flap and the pouch patterns to line up exactly! I'm a perfectionist in my sewing - when edge stitching I go stitch-by-stitch to ensure that these most visible seams are straight and even - so the fact that I managed to align the patterns so well gives me major geeky thrill.

Ye gods! Alignment!
This pen wrap is reserved for a wonderful gentleman who declared that I was not charging enough and sent through $15 extra - you know who you are, thank you so much! Not that extra proof of his generosity is needed, but this wrap is intended to be a gift. The recipient is very lucky to have such a great friend. :)

If you love this wrap and want a cheery good morning friend of your own, drop me a line, I'll make you one too!


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Welcome to my little inky blob.

Here I ponder pens, play with inks, and share my sewing creations of pen wraps and pouches. The sewing is a new venture that I am really enjoying right now, and it's great to have fun making things that help others enjoy our awesome fountain pen hobby even more!

I have another blob, wherein I run too much. If you are interested in one, you are more than likely uninterested in the other. Then again, you might well be. After all, I am.

Cheers! Lisa.

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