Following the success of my pen wraps yesterday, I set about working on a smaller design, a tight, tidy little 3-pen pouch to suit a core set of EDC pens.
Why three? Well I think a 3-pen team is a great number to carry for general work and daily duty, giving enough scope for colour and nib options without the burden and risk of more pens in your bag. Although I used to carry more I cut back to taking just three into work with me as I found that I simply didn't use them all, and was just exposing them to increase risk of theft or damage without due cause.
Three pens does not warrant a wrap, but the linear pouch format is perfect. The size and flat shape of a small pouch fits well into jacket chest pockets, flat pockets within bags and briefcases, and can easily slip into a flat or round pencil case for added protection. Given the simple design of this pouch it is also a great little item that I can readily run up in half the time of a wrap, and sell at a more affordable price for buyers seeking an EDC solution.
The prototype turned out quite well, and I immediately integrated some necessary refinements into the second iteration of this design, which turned out perfect and immediately ready for sale. Happy! Now I just need to make one for myself, and sell the bulky Visconti two-pen case that I have been using..