Other pens in the sale that were sorely tempting included a beautiful burgundy Omas that spent several days in my ebay cart! I decided to pass on this pen through a feeling that I should stay true to what I knew I wanted, the M805, rather than pick up a pen I liked the look of but may not adore in the way I knew I already did the M805 line. Happily the Omas ended up in the hands of a fellow FPAu member, so it is now in the family at least!
Although the pen as sold online was a medium, I immediately messaged Peters through ebay to arrange nib exchange for an extra-fine. The ebay sales person put me in touch with Maria from the pens department, who once again worked her magic for me to have the nib swapped and pen in the mail just two business days later. Thanks Maria!
I am absolutely loving it - despite being less handy than the click-click of a Veep for notetaking, I find myself using Stresseman and the blue far more often than my beloved Raden Minamo. I write in two colours and switch frequently to use the second colour for important points rather than just headings, which may feel clumsy with screw caps to remove and replace. What I do however is simply poke the pen back into the lid without screwing tight, and this works fine - they don't dry out and I have no hard-start problems.
I initially inked up with Edelstein Topaz, but whilst beautiful through the nib it felt too light and bright for the rich royal blue of this pen, and I switched it out for Montblanc Leo Tolstoy, a much more suitable match (yes I am one of 'those' people). All I need now is a nice rich Burnt Orange loaded with Akkerman Oranje Bovan, and my work trilogy will be complete!