One of those vaguer, less-certain certainties is a fountain pen body in a beautiful, rich, semi-translucent amber, as much like the real stuff as possible. Said real stuff has always fascinated me, being fossilised resin it's like a time capsule of the lifeblood of ancient trees, especially when insects and other critters are captured within. A shiny golden lump of history from before history was invented!
Well I may have found a candidate, if not the funds to purchase yet: a Visconti Voyager in Amber. This one is new-old-stock, made of Visconti's proprietary Acryloid material, a mixture of acrylic and celluloid that demonstrates a good deal of the rich depth of the latter whilst being much safer to work. The colours are very true to genuine Baltic amber - rich swirls of deep golden yellows and orange, with streaks of black snaking through. The apparent texture and consistency also mimics amber well, showing crystalline characteristics in some areas, with pools of translucent amber elsewhere, and tiny flecks throughout.
Unlike most NOS I see on the market, the nib is Fine rather than Medium, so at least a little closer to my preferred width! This pen is about as perfect for my amber love as possible; now to start saving..